Sunday, July 6, 2014


Hello my fellow crafters!

I wanted to give you a quick status update so you are not left in the dark, but my thoughts are a bit scrambled so I decided to just put them in a list! For those of you that don't know, I am a frantic list keeper. I have lists for my lists. You should see my refrigerator! I am not sure where I got this little habit from, but I suppose it helps me stay organized and productive. Almost like the list is the "law" and anything I write on it, must get done. Am I the only one?

1) I made two wonderful batches of LoveWix body butter. My best version yet! However, I was worried that it wouldn't withstand the heat if I shipped it during the summer. So I decided to do a little test... in the car... on a super hot day. I was right. The beautiful silky smooth whipped creation turned into a melted mess in about an hour. This means I will not be shipping my body butter during the summer months. I know. Super sad face. I will be selling it in local shops though.


Coconut Lemongrass Body Butter

Gosh! I could just eat it!

2) I have everything I need to make a batch of LoveWix candles! I will be doing that this week. (Now I have to because it is in a list) So keep an eye out for them in my Etsy Shop.

3) I am graduating from college in about two weeks, so I will be pretty busy with projects, papers, and final exams. The whole "job hunting" thing isn't going so well. I need a job that will challenge me. Something that I can look forward to and be passionate about. I will make goodies in my spare time and keep you updated.

4) I made banana muffins from scratch the other day, and THEY WERE AWESOME! I am not sure if I mentioned this or not, but out of all my useless talents and hobbies, baking is #1 on my list. I suppose I just always liked the idea of creating something beautiful out of nothing. Almost like magic when you put a gloppy mess into the oven, and somehow the end result is the the most wonderful thing in the world. I know the science behind it all is simple, but for me, I feel giddy like a five-year-old when I open the oven and see my creation. Nothing else has ever made me feel that way. Beads and jewelry making are a close second because the same basic principle is still applicable; A bunch of smaller parts coming together to create something beautiful.

5) I have decided my photography skills could use some work. I want to re-take every photo in my Etsy shop and create a sense of brand identity. I want people to see a photograph of my work and know immediately that it is mine. (Said every artist ever!)

6) I made some new pieces but have not had a chance to photograph them yet due to inclement weather. We had a hurricane brush the coast of Maine a few days ago, and all we had was rain for days. We had no fireworks for the 4th of July this year. Sadface.

7) This post is much longer than I meant for it to be.

With Love from LoveWix,


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