Thursday, February 5, 2015

Buried Alive

For those of you that don't live in Maine...

We are COVERED in snow. Over four feet in the past two weeks. FOUR FEET! For reference, I am only five feet tall. Snow is literally up to my eyeballs.

Other than dealing with the blizzards of apocalyptic proportion, I did finally receive my shipment of candle making supplies and I made a batch candles! I will post pics soon, and if the snow becomes more manageable, I will put them for sale in my Etsy shop! No promises there yet because the post office is buried, and everything on the way to post office is buried.

On a brighter note, Zelda is loving the snow!

Alsoooooo....I thought I would take a moment to share this with you guys...

I recently fell in love with a comic strip. They are super cute, and funny!
Introducing..... Extra Ordinary! The characters are great, and the illustrations are so original! Every single one made me smile, so naturally, I just had to share this. They have a cute website, and it is totally worth a gander. :)

With Love from LoveWix,


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